Why Jason Preston

We are tired of politicians’ frequently hollow promises. Jason Preston is not a career politician, he is a patriot who believes everyday people are capable of defending our Constitution. While some people talk about what they will do, in the past six years Jason has been on the front lines doing what responsible citizens must. Fighting with his feet, his pen and with his voice.

Jason has sent hundreds of letters to Congressmen and Senators. His belief in the importance of constituent power has led him to engage thousands of business leaders and citizens to hold their representatives accountable.

Jason also believes in demonstrating positive action, not only at freedom rallies where he has fought against illegal mandates, but also at the State Capitol, county commissioners’ meetings, city council meetings and anywhere that he could rally the people to stand for freedom and proper governance. Jason truly believes in the power of the people.

These words by Thomas Jefferson reflect Jason’s ideas: “We don’t have a government by the majority, but rather by the majority who participate”

Jason knows that We the People are not helpless; that we have a duty to stand up and be counted. He understands true power is in our willingness to stand and be counted. He believes this Constitution can and will be saved, not in the compromised halls of Washington, but by regular people. Engaged people who understand the principles of liberty, the fact that our rights come from God, and that government needs to be servant of the people.

Jason believes that truth never changes, and that We the People have a God given  right to stand up for truth wherever and whenever we can, especially when it is unpopular.

Utahns First!

Jason is not a typical candidate, yet he loves our country, and is willing to fight for it. Jason has a deep personal conviction. This conviction states that if each of us will take personal responsibility, put our lives in order, protect the family unit and fight to restore the Constitution, we will ultimately prevail and preserve our freedoms.

Jason loves learning about American history and political science, and is often found reading about economics, political philosophy and the works of our Founding Fathers. As a diehard constitutional conservative, Jason plans to get Utah back to our individualist, limited government roots. Jason is writing his first book outlining these viewpoints, which is expected to be released in the Spring/Summer of 2022.

Jason believes in the principles this country was founded upon; in the reality of and accountability to God; that everyone possesses the seeds of divinity; and that Government was created to serve man.  These fundamental truths will never change, and they are always worth fighting for.

Everyday Americans are our most precious resource, and the heart of our country’s greatness. Jason believes in the American ideal, the ability to continually unleash the power of the individual. He knows we are each capable of our best when we recognize and activate the source of our freedoms. Jason knows that the coming generations in America will be blessed by future opportunities only if we stand up for government accountability now.

Jason knows what is at stake here in Utah. This is not a time to be complacent. We need better leadership. Together, we can check the encroachment of legislative and bureaucratic systems and beliefs that are putting our families at risk. Utah is not immune to critical issues that are being decided in other states or in Washington D.C. We must return to our limited government roots.

As a constitutional conservative, Jason will fight for the integrity of Utah’s families, to strengthen the middle class, and to preserve our liberties.

Utahns First!

Jason’s not a typical candidate, but he loves our country, and is willing to fight for it. Jason has a conviction that it is only by each of us taking personal responsibility, putting our lives in order, protecting the family unit and fighting to restore the constitution that we can and will preserve our freedoms.

Jason loves learning about American history and political science, and is often found reading about economics, political philosophy and our Founding Fathers. A diehard constitutional conservative, Jason plans to get Utah back to our individualist, limited government roots. Preston is in the process of finishing his first book that is expected to be released early 2022.

He believes in what this country was founded upon; that there is a God, that everyone has the seeds of divinity, and that Government was created to serve man. These three truths will never change, and they are still worth fighting for.

Everyday Americans are what makes this country great. Jason believes in the American ideal to continue to unleash the power of the individual. He knows we are each capable of so much more when we recognize the source of our freedoms. Jason knows that a new generation will be blessed by the opportunities in America only if we stand up now.

Jason knows what’s at stake here in Utah. This is not a time to be complacent. We need leadership. Together, we can pushback against the encroachment of systems and beliefs that are putting our families at risk. Utah is not immune to the issues plaguing other states. We must return to our limited government roots.

As a constitutional conservative, Jason will fight for the middle class and for Utah’s families to preserve their liberty.